New Hebrew Bible for e-Readers (Kindle, Nook) Description Available

Kindle Hebrew Bible Screenshot Genesis 1 Part 1
Genesis 1:1-7a

A few days ago, we excitedly announced the release of Hebrew Bible (Tanakh) for Amazon’s Kindle and Hebrew Bible (Tanakh) for Barnes & Noble’s Nook e-readers and promised to provide more information soon. Today we would like to draw your attention to a new page on our website with a full description of these Hebrew Bibles for e-readers. You can read about these Bibles, view screenshots to see how beautiful the Hebrew is, read about the myriad of ways in which you can navigate quickly to your desired location, and read answers to frequently asked questions.

Click on the screenshot to the right to enlarge it for just a taste. We think you are going to like it!

Hebrew Bible for e-Readers: Kindle Hebrew Bible and Nook Hebrew Bible

We at Miklal are excited to announce that we have produced Hebrew Bibles for two popular e-Readers: Amazon’s Kindle and Barnes and Noble’s Nook. Here are links to the Kindle Hebrew Bible and the Nook Hebrew Bible.

These products display Hebrew beautifully on the e-ink screens of these e-readers, and we have added various navigational tools to make them easy to use. We plan to write more about these products in the near future, providing full product pages with screenshots.

You may have heard that these e-readers lack support for displaying right-to-left. You may also have heard that the Kindle lacks support for embedded fonts. If so, you are correct. However, we at Miklal have never let that stop us before. Whether in our own products or in work produced for our clients, we have previously developed various ways to display beautiful Biblical Hebrew on Windows, Mac, Linux, iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch, Android, Blackberry, Windows Mobile, and Palm, so we figured, “why not give try it on Kindle and Nook?” We think you will be delighted with the results.

E-Crit (Electronic Critical Edition)

Miklal is delighted to announce the release of E-Crit, which stands for Electronic Critical Edition. E-Crit is designed to allow for electronic comparison of classical rabbinic texts. For this open-source project, Miklal partnered with Dr. Rachel S. Mikva, Rabbi Herman E. Schaalman Assistant Professor of Jewish Studies at Chicago Theological Seminary to produce E-Crit through the generous funding of the American Academy for Jewish Research.

You can download the application on the description page. You can also view installation instructions or help files. Feel free to contact us for more information.

Biblical Hebrew flash cards: Babel Flashcards

Today we are highlighting one of our decks available for purchase for Babel Flashcards: our complete deck of Biblical Hebrew flashcards, entitled Biblical Hebrew (CBHAG). With the glosses produced by a Biblical Hebrew and Semitic philologist and proofed by Miklal and others, there are several distinctive characteristics of the glosses for these Biblical Hebrew lexemes that together make them the highest quality glosses ever produced for Biblical Hebrew. Here are some of their characteristics:

  • They contain glosses for every single Hebrew lexeme (word) in the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament, over 8000 in all.
  • They integrate contemporary definitions with traditional interpretations of all Hebrew and Aramaic Lexemes, making use of the finest lexicographic research in Biblical Hebrew.
  • They list definitions in order of descending frequency (the most frequent definition is first).
  • They align proper names with the spelling of most current English Bible translations.
  • They update archaic meanings to modern norms of language.
  • They provide glosses for all verbal stems in which that verb appears in the Bible: no more, no fewer.
  • They provide separate glosses for all homonyms.

In addition, Babel Flashcards gives you unparalleled ways of memorizing these glosses rapidly. Choosing the precise set of words you want to study is easy, whether you want to learn frequently occurring words, words of a given part of speech, words in particular passage, some combination thereof, or any other combination or words you wish. Babel Flashcards makes use of the Leitner method of spaced repetition to enable you to learn as quickly and effortlessly as possible. Whether you are on a PC or on Mac, Babel Flashcards always displays the Hebrew beautifully.

Have you noticed that verbs in Hebrew (and other Semitic languages) take longer to learn than nouns and adjectives? Babel Flashcards helps you learn Biblical Hebrew verbs via the following distinctive (optional) features.

  • Glosses are split up by verbal stem and displayed in different parts of the screen.
  • Glosses for verbal stems in which that particular verb occurs frequently are displayed darker than glosses for verbal stems in which that particular verb occurs infrequently, causing your eye to be drawn naturally to glosses for commonly occurring verbal stems.
  • Glosses can be hidden for verbal stems in which that particular verb occurs infrequently. You have control over the setting, allowing you to concentrate on glosses for the common verbal stems for a given verb.

Purchase this deck (and download the freely available Babel Flashcards application) on our Products page today!

Biblical Hebrew flash card of a verb for Babel Flashcards

Create new derivative deck of Biblical Hebrew flashcards for Babel Flashcards

Christmas sale

We are having a sale for Christmas on all decks for Babel Flashcards. Use the coupon code christmas2010 to get 30% off this Christmas season. For those of you who are students, this could be an excellent opportunity to get on the right track in learning your vocabulary for next semester. For those of you who are clergy, this could be an excellent opportunity for you to meet your goal in the new year of not only keeping up but actually improving your facility with biblical languages. For those of you still looking for Christmas presents, how about giving something that will help your family member/friend/pastor/etc. in the upcoming year?

This sale is good through January 1, 2011.

Release of flash cards for An Invitation to Biblical Hebrew: A Beginning Grammar by Russell T. Fuller and Kyoungwon Choi

Miklal is delighted to announce the release of a deck of flashcards for Invitation to Biblical Hebrew: A Beginning Grammar, by Russell T. Fuller and Kyoungwon Choi (Kregel, 2006). This deck contains all 526 words in this detailed, deductive grammar of Biblical Hebrew, using the precise lexemes and glosses in the grammar. It also includes chapter, part of speech, and frequency (including verbal stem frequency) information. Derivative decks corresponding to each chapter automatically come with it, and you can easily create your own derivative decks as well.

You can get this deck by itself or bundled with our comprehensive deck for Biblical Hebrew (over 8000 words) to help you keep learning Hebrew vocabulary words after your introductory year of Hebrew. You can read a fuller description of Babel Flashcards, or you can proceed to our Product Page to get this deck. Our regular, low-price for the deck is only $14.99 or $21.99 bundled with our comprehensive deck for Biblical Hebrew. Be sure to take a look at our promotions page to see if we are running an even better deal.

Here are a couple of screenshots:
Russell Fuller and Kyoungwon Choi Invitation to Biblical Hebrew: A Beginning Grammar flash cards create new deck image

Heading to Atlanta for conferences

The Society of Biblical Literature, the Evangelical Theological Society, the American Schools of Oriental Research, and many affiliate groups will all be convening in Atlanta between Wednesday, November 17 and Tuesday, November 23. Will you be there? We will. Would you like to see like to see Babel Flashcards shown off? Would you like to give input on new features to add to Babel Flashcards? Would you like to talk about having another grammar available for Babel Flashcards? Would you like to talk about your upcoming project that could make use of Miklal’s unique combination of skills in Bible and Semitics as well as software development? If so, then contact us to let us know how we can meet you.

Basics of Biblical Hebrew (Gary D. Pratico and Miles V. Van Pelt) 2nd edition is released!

Today, Miklal Software Solutions has released a deck of flashcards for Babel Flashcards tracking a leading introductory Biblical Hebrew grammar, Basics of Biblical Hebrew Grammar: Second Edition by Gary D. Pratico and Miles V. Van Pelt (Zondervan: Grand Rapids, Mich.: 2007). This deck contains all 483 cards in this popular and accessible textbook, using the precise lexemes and glosses in the book. It also includes chapter, part of speech, and frequency (including verbal stem frequency) information. Derivative decks corresponding to each chapter automatically come with it, and you can easily create your own derivative decks as well.

You can get this deck by itself or bundled with our comprehensive deck for Biblical Hebrew (over 8000 words) to help you keep learning Hebrew vocabulary words after your introductory year of Hebrew. You can read a fuller description of Babel Flashcards, or you can proceed to our Product Page to get this deck. Our regular, low-price for the deck is only $14.99 or $21.99 bundled with our comprehensive deck for Biblical Hebrew. Be sure to take a look at our promotions page to see if we are running an even better deal.

Here are a couple of screenshots to whet your appetite.

Basics of Biblical Hebrew Flashcards Create New Deck in Babel Flashcards

Basics of Biblical Hebrew Flashcards Quiz Deck in Babel Flashcards